You could be my kind of client if…
THE PRICE IS RIGHT! (Just kidding!) OR MAYBE NOT! Yes, I am kidding! Actually, to be completely honest, this whole page is just me having a little fun ripping off the “You could be a redneck if…” comedy stylings of Jeff Foxworthy. (Don’t sue me, Jeff! I gave you credit!) Take the test below. If you find yourself saying “Yes, that’s ME!” to more than 2 or 3 of the statements below, we should probably talk because you could be my kind of client!
If you know that this journey called life can be an incredible ride and you are willing to climb on board, you could be my kind of client!
If you are open to new ideas and are willing to look at different possibilities for yourself, you could be my kind of client!
If you feel like you are not getting everything out of this life that you would like to and you realize that does not have to be the case, you could be my kind of client!
If you feel like “indecision” is your middle name and you are determined to change that, you could be my kind of client!
If you are willing to take a good, hard, honest look at yourself and your life and you are not afraid to grow, you could be my kind of client!
If you can get caught up in playful and imaginative banter and can see how this kind of interaction can benefit you, you could be my kind of client!
If you are willing to “get real” and shine the light into the darker corners of your weaknesses and flaws so that you can grow your strengths, you could be my kind of client!
If you can commit to take action towards goals you set for yourself and are not afraid of accountability, you could be my kind of client!
If you are not afraid of honest feedback, even when it is hard to hear, and are interested in a coach who will push you to achieve your best, you could be my kind of client!
If you struggle and beat yourself up when you do not achieve what want and you need someone who can be supportive and remind you of the superstar that you are, you could be my kind of client!
If you are sick and tired of listening to that little voice that always tells you that “you can’t” and that “you aren’t good enough” and that “you shouldn’t even try, because you might end up looking bad” and you are ready to give that voice the old heave ho, you could be my kind of client!
If you are willing to commit to doing some hard work and you have a “NO MATTER WHAT” type of attitude about becoming the person that you KNOW you can be, you could be my kind of client!
If you are willing to create a strong partnership based on trust, respect, support and honesty so that you don’t have to “go it alone”, you could be my kind of client!
If you want to feel pumped and charged up and really excited about creating the life you have always dreamed of having and you are ready to go for it, you could be my kind of client!
If you realize that you only go around once in this life and you want to make the most of it and now is YOUR time, you could be my kind of client!
If you have dreams you have given up on and you want them back and you are willing to take action to make that a reality, you could be my kind of client!
If there is a part of yourself that you have given up on and you want to bring that part “back to life” and you are willing to do what it takes to resuscitate it, you could be my kind of client!
If you can laugh and explore ideas and really “go for a spin” in regards to seeing things in a brand new way for yourself, you could be my kind of client!